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Ekins in Action

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have had a good week for the most part.... Sunday was Dev's Birthday That was wonderful, but my old "friend" E-man ate over with us that was a HUGE mistake.. He is Smart... Although he doesn't use his intelligence does the make sense? No? ok I will explain My parents asked him why he didn't believe in God ( not that that's a big deal) He answered with I have done drugs.... In front of my 14 yr old sister in law and 16 year old Brother in law... OMG and that is not the worst part.. He tries to argue with a bunch of LDS people that God isn't real, and we are all just trying to feel a void that we all have..... even if that were the case why would he say that? Then he gets into a science debate with my whole family. I just wanna crawl into a hole and die at this point... That's not even the rest he left us all with a feeling of uneasiness and not comfortable.. He teaches Zack (brother in law) Math and Ralph (Father in law) Is at the point of not wanting him at the house ever.... Now I usually try to defend my friends but I don't want anything to do with his presence. I feel like Ralph is very justified in what he feels. Not only did make everyone feel uncomfortable Devin's birthday dinner was ruined because of him. HE embarrassed me I feel like my in-laws wont trust my judge of character now. That was Sunday.. Monday I was doing laundry and I found some clothes that were in a drawer that weren't supposed to be there I figured Devin had put them there... WRONG my mother in law put them in the drawer... AHHH big breach of privacy.. I nearly flipped a brick... I don't know if I am valid to feel that way seeing is how we live with her. I feel like she doesn't think that I am capable of taking care of Devin's needs. I don't know.. Anyway
Good parts of my week!!!!!
The relief society general broadcast was amazing I felt the spirit so strong like I said before I know that President Monson is a prophet of God.. I can't imagine what people like E-man are going though without God in their lives I tried that once and I never wanna do it again.... Thanks for letting me vent and any advice is appreciated....   I have decided that I need to be more grateful of what I have so I am going to have appreciations on here  the first one is to my sister Milli
I just want to tell you that You have taught me a lot about how to be responsible and honest, you are a great example to me I love being around you. You have a good presence about you a light presence Thank you for giving me a second chance to be your friend.. I am sorry for all the horrible things that I did to you I love you  

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pictures of Wedding

 These are just some of the photo's taken at the wedding I hope you enjoy

Catching up

So this is the scoop; We got Married on August 7th 2010 it was wonderful.( I couldn't ask for a better guy in the whole world.) Went on our honeymoon to California, Of course we went to Disneyland. Came home went straight to snowbird for a family reunion blah... LOTS of traveling We finally got settled in to our home. He started school and got a job :) YA! I will be starting school next week and thats all the catching up we have OH i forgot one more thing We are going to be sealed in the temple next September. FINALLY I just want all of you to know That I have a testimony of a living prophet and I know that he guides and directs us to do the things which will bring us back to him... I want all of you to know that I am  thankful for having you a part of my life.